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Okay, Listen Up “Reviewers”

Okay, I have to leave for a few hours for an appointment, but I’ve decided to react a bit to some of the reviews coming out about Alex Gibney’s film (Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson). I’ve said it’s a good film because it focuses on just a short period of Hunter’s writing career (1965-1975) and has some fantastic archival footage etc. But why was I so dumb to think that reviewers would not see through the opinions expressed in the film by people who hadn’t seen or talked to Hunter in decades as truth? Hunter’s bitter ex wife goes on and on about Hunter becoming a loser after their divorce, etc. By my lights, of course “journalists” and reviewers would have looked at the source. But no, so far, most reviews have taken her word as gospel.

Hunter’s ex wife is wrong, wrong, wrong, on this. John Nichols from the Nation (who wasn’t too lazy to research Hunter’s later work) has already said that some of Hunter’s most astute political writing is tucked away in his sports writing after 2000. Most of you already know, if you had paid attention, that Hunter wrote more in the last 5 years of his life than he had in the previous 15 combined.

The conflation of my own quotes, exaggeration of my words in these reviews by a hyena/sheep breed of “journalists” is getting boring AND irritating. So, I thought I’d set the record straight before I head out the door to the Aspen Institute.

Some journalists will never accept the fact that Hunter GOT AWAY WITH IT. He wrote what he wanted and when he wanted for his entire career and never sold out an ounce of his soul. He had fun, he moved mountains, and surrounded himself with those that loved him. He was sexy (even for the short time he was in a wheelchair!), smart and productive all the way to the end. Those of you reviewers and “friends”, ex girlfriends, and jealous ex editors who can’t accept the beauty that was Hunter, it’s time you step aside.

Yes. I’ll check in later on the brilliance of Amy Goodman, Arianna Huffington, Jerri Merritt, Terry McDonell, Ralph Steadman, Jonathan Alter, Walter Isaacson and others when I get back.

Your friend,
Anita Thompson

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